
CA Live is an artistic platform geared towards promoting established as well as up and coming artists based in the Cape Town area. On this site you can see interviews conducted with various artists as well as get links to their videos and music and other created works that you can either stream, download or purchase. We do encourage you to get in contact with artists via the various channels provided with their interviews for more info regarding the sales of their products or use of their services.

You can catch us on most social media platforms where we share and promote these artists. By doing this we also expose listeners to artists they’ve never heard of before and it is generally the music that they like to hear so go on and share the page to your hearts content. You might be saving an artist’s career.

You can look forward to getting to know your favourite creatives. Take a look at the site and if there are any artists out in Cape Town you’d like us to speak to, let us know here.

We Are The World – CTA Unite

The Pulse of Cape Town Art